Many companies now use high-temperature grease to complete equipment lubrication. Understanding high-temperature grease can not only play its role in lubrication and protection, but this grease product also has many advantages and can be used in different industries.
Advantage 1: Long life. Unlike other lubricating products, high-temperature grease needs frequent replacement. However, the current high-temperature grease has a very long life and does not need to be added or replaced frequently after being added. Especially for parts that are not easy to refuel, it is easy to use grease. Not only that, it can also lubricate some reciprocating parts under heavy loads and high and low temperature environments.
Advantage 2: Good sealing and adhesion. At present, when some companies use high-temperature grease, this grease product has good sealing performance on the friction surface, and can prevent moisture and garbage from entering the friction surface. Because of its strong adhesion to the metal surface, it has anti-corrosion properties. Corrosion, some brands of grease can even protect the hardware in the water from rust.
Therefore, the current high-temperature-resistant grease has certain advantages because it can be widely used in various leading enterprises only by relying on these advantages. The current company not only selects high-temperature grease, but also uses the grease. If it is not used in the correct way, the grease will not function.
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