In the hot summer, after everyone opened the bucket where the grease was stored, did they find that a layer of oil floating on the surface of the grease would accumulate on the surface of the grease? Are you also puzzled about this? Is the grease deteriorating? Can such grease still be used normally? Today Baoxing Lubricant is here to answer questions for everyone.
Grease is a kind of paste-like body, and the phenomenon of oil slick on the surface is called grease oil separation phenomenon, also known as oil analysis phenomenon. Grease is a solid or semi-fluid uniform substance composed of liquid lubricants and thickeners. Among them, the proportion of base oil accounts for about 80%, so grease separation is a normal phenomenon.
Why is it said that grease separation is a normal phenomenon? Grease is mainly composed of base oil, thickener and additives. Grease is like a sponge that absorbs water. When the grease is squeezed or under the influence of high temperature, the lubricating oil will precipitate from the thickener. Thickeners and additives in the composition of greases usually do not have a lubricating effect, and a small amount of grease separation can promote the lubricating effect of greases.
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