Regarding the application of grease in the waterproof position, there are various types of structures and products, such as sanitary products, home appliances, various waterproof rings, waterproof piston positions, and waterproof shaft sleeves that are in contact with water.
Since the above positions will often come into contact with water and steam or various alkaline or weakly acidic waters, the requirements for lubricating grease are particularly strict and demanding.
What grease can be applied to the waterproof position?
1. It will not produce various reactions such as emulsification and neutralization with water vapor and weakly acidic alkaline solutions;
2. The base oil is mainly synthetic oil or silicone oil, adding anti-acid and anti-oxidant additives;
3. Good adhesion, will not dissolve in water and can withstand high pressure, but requires good lubrication performance and lasting adhesion;
4. There is no corrosive effect on various soft rubbers.
(Various types of soft rubber include: LDPE, HDPE, PES, EVA, artificial rubber, natural rubber, silicone rubber, fluorine rubber, etc.)
Silicone is a special rubber material. When selecting oils or greases containing silicon, the silicone will swell slightly. Because two substances of the same composition produce the phenomenon of molecules fusing with each other, it will cause the rubber to swell and deform. If you want to avoid this kind of situation, you can choose waterproof synthetic oil or synthetic waterproof grease without silicone oil.
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