Sometimes customers are confused when they buy PC lubricants, and they think it is a phenomenon that the lubricants are corrosive to ABS and PC materials.
According to our many experiments and analysis, ABS/PC plastic materials have good heat resistance, high heat distortion temperature, good rigidity, and high mechanical properties. The main component is polycarbonate, while greases are generally base oils and additives. Now there are many kinds of them, most of which have anti-corrosion function, so generally speaking, there should be no problem. The grease itself depends on the material, permeability and whether it contains acidic additives, etc., so we must pay attention to it .
However, most crystalline plastics have a certain resistance to grease-like substances, but their amorphous areas will absorb grease and cause swelling. Therefore, it is necessary to choose suitable plastic materials for oil in locations that are in long-term contact with grease.
Generally, among these materials, nylon 66, nylon 6 and other plastics are more suitable, while non-crystalline plastics such as PS, HIPS, ABS, and PC polycarbonate may be quickly destroyed by swelling.
Due to the non-crystalline plastics in PC and ABS and the current content of PC and mixed ABS materials, the lubricant and this type of PC and ABS materials are prone to permeate and absorb swelling and accelerate rupture. This may be the formation of ABS, One of the reasons why PC material is easy to crack when oiled.
In addition, this type of material is added when it is easy to swell, and most of this type of material is not stressed and not tough enough, and it is easy to accelerate due to the influence of pressure and swelling force. There is currently no better solution
General advice: If the ABS and PC materials are in the oiled position and are to be compressed and bent, pay attention to the fission problem or replace the suitable plastic material.
If lubricating oil must be added, it is recommended to use ABS and PC materials as little as possible for such positions.
In order to solve the above problems, after years of continuous exploration, the non-diffusion oil is used as the base oil and several special thickeners are added to mix and refine. Especially developed for the sliding friction between plastic and plastic and metal.
Grease is applied to the folding parts of precision machine parts, rotating shaft parts, and reciprocating linear motion mechanical elements
Such as: plastic slider, rack and pinion, ratchet, cam structure, plug, slide rail, screw, shaft, etc.
Technical advantages:
1. Very low volatility, no diffusion under high temperature, no pollution to products, high trust
2. Good compatibility with rubber and plastic contact, will not cause shrinkage and expansion
3. Unique extreme pressure and anti-wear performance, which can adapt from idle speed to high speed execution
4. Good sound damping will not be scattered and will not be thrown out, good resistance to fretting corrosion
5. Make up for the vibration and noise caused by the gap dislocation collision caused by accuracy
Compatible materials: EPDM, NBR, VMQ, ABS, PP, POM, PU, PTFE, PVC, etc.
+86 769 2221 1256
+86 137 1192 0448
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