Whether it is a commercial meat grinder or a small household meat grinder, there is a gear box structure. In order to prolong the service life of the meat grinder and achieve a better use effect, the manufacturer will add gear grease to the meat grinder gear box for lubrication Auxiliary, protect the gears from being worn out instantly, and reduce the noise during the operation of the meat grinder.
However, during the long-term operation of the meat grinder, the gear box will make noises when it is rotating, and the knife shaft needs to be maintained to extend its service life. Manufacturers of meat grinders will use the gear box and knives during the production process. Add gear grease to the shaft for a lubrication and noise reduction.
There is also a very important requirement: Lubricants added to food processing machinery must meet food-grade safety.
Baoxing's food-grade grease series use high-quality food-grade base oils to effectively resist friction and reduce noise. Can withstand high load and high impact requirements. Comply with food grade certification, safe and non-toxic.
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