Teeth flusher is an auxiliary tool for cleaning the oral cavity. It uses pulsed water impact to clean teeth and between teeth.
Teeth flushing devices mainly include water pumps, nozzles and other structures. The existing teeth flushing devices, whether portable or desktop flushing devices, have different structures, but they all need various types of motors to drive water pumps to provide high-speed water flow. .
In order to ensure product quality, manufacturers need to add appropriate silencer lubricating grease and waterproof sealing grease to the motor to reduce the friction loss of the motor structure, reduce noise, and ensure the waterproofness of the product.
Baoxing provides suitable food-grade silencer lubricating grease and food-grade waterproof sealing grease for tooth cleaner manufacturers to ensure the quality of tooth cleaner products.
Baoxing food grade gear silencer lubricating grease is made of high-performance base oil and added with a variety of high-efficiency anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion additives. It has passed the US NSF H-1 food-grade certification and is a food-grade gear specially developed for gears. Silencer grease. Baoxing food-grade gear silencer grease can effectively reduce motor gear wear, reduce noise, and ensure product hygiene and safety.
Baoxing Food Grade Sealed Waterproof Lubricating Grease is a special grease refined from refined synthetic oil as the base oil, added with structural stabilizers and various additives. It has passed the US USDA and NSF H-1 food grade certification and has a good Water-proof, solvent-resistant and anti-creeping performance, non-corrosive to metal, and good adaptability to plastics, ensuring product hygiene and safety.
+86 769 2221 1256
+86 137 1192 0448
A402, New Base 360 Internet Industrial Park, Dongchen Middle Road, Dongchen, Dongguan City, Guangdong Prov., 523000
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