During the operation of automation equipment , metal transmission parts are core components, and their performance and stability are directly related to the operating efficiency and life of the entire equipment.
Metal transmission parts are prone to oxidation and rust due to frequent friction, contact with moisture and oxygen in the air. This problem is particularly prominent in humid environments or equipment that is frequently started and stopped. If the anti-rust measures are not appropriate, such as adding anti-rust oil before sufficient drying, or accidentally touching the product surface with your hands during operation, the risk of rust will increase.
In response to the anti-rust needs of automation equipment, Baoxing has carefully launched the 308/M series of multi-purpose anti-rust oil .
Excellent anti-rust performance can effectively prevent oxidation corrosion of metal surfaces for a long time and extend the service life of equipment.
The carefully formulated viscosity can effectively adhere to the metal surface to form a protective film, while not affecting the transmission efficiency due to excessively high viscosity.
Support customized production based on the material, working environment and other factors of the specific equipment to meet the personalized needs of different customers.
It is suitable for automation equipment in high-tech fields such as lithium battery equipment and 3C equipment, and is also widely used in many industries such as woodworking machinery and medical equipment.
To ensure the anti-rust effect , first, make sure the metal surface is completely dry to avoid residual moisture that can become the cause of rust . When adding anti-rust oil, special tools should be used to avoid direct contact with the product surface with your hands to reduce the risk of grease contamination and the introduction of impurities.
+86 769 2221 1256
+86 137 1192 0448
A402, New Base 360 Internet Industrial Park, Dongchen Middle Road, Dongchen, Dongguan City, Guangdong Prov., 523000
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