Dental health issues are getting more and more attention. Everyone is gradually paying attention to electric toothbrushes from ordinary toothbrushes. Electric toothbrushes have become a relatively popular small household appliance.
The electric toothbrush is equipped with a small motor, which can make the brush head vibrate back and forth. This small electric motor is connected to a battery that can be recharged repeatedly. There is a rod along the diameter of the coil, and the coil is connected to this rod. When the coil is twisted, the rod will rotate accordingly. Through a clever switching device, the direct current generated by the battery can change its direction every half cycle, so the coil constantly repels one pole of the fixed magnet and attracts the other pole. Through an eccentric rod, the rotational kinetic energy of the motor is converted into the kinetic energy of forward and backward movement, so that the head of the electric toothbrush can vibrate continuously between your upper and lower teeth.
Some electric toothbrushes have motors that can rotate hundreds of times per second, so you will hear the hum of the motors when you brush your teeth. Some electric toothbrushes have a vibration frequency of up to 1,600,000 times per second (but the intensity of the vibration is very small). This is achieved through a "frequency multiplier" (as mentioned above, a frequency modulator element is used in a digital timer. "Frequency device" is a kind of frequency modulator) and piezoelectric crystal (piezoelectric crystal is also used in the timer of smart phone).
However, from the design point of view, electric toothbrushes often come into contact with water, and may even be immersed in water. In this case, how do we charge the battery?
Many electric toothbrushes have a plastic handle. We can put this handle on a cylindrical charger connected to the power supply. The shell of this cylindrical charger is also made of plastic.
Baoxing has provided electric toothbrush manufacturers with food-grade lubricating oil and electric toothbrush sealing and waterproofing for many years. It has passed the US food-grade NSF H1 certification and meets the F.D.A standard, and meets the European ROHS standard and REACH standard. Baoxing series electric tooth punch gear grease and waterproof grease have passed the food grade grease NSF H1 certification. The operating torque is very small, which can eliminate noise for a long time, and is well compatible with most plastics and elastomers. The company has passed the international quality system ISO9001 certification. We provide suitable waterproof and noise-reducing lubrication solutions for the working conditions of electric toothbrushes!
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