The exercise board used in the treadmill in the exercise machine is based on medium-density fiber sheets, and the surface layer (the opposite side of the exercise belt) is pasted with polyacetal resin impregnated paper. However, the fiber at the bottom of the running belt generally uses polyester fiber. The friction between polyester and polyacetal resin can easily generate static electricity. Its static voltage is inversely proportional to the humidity of the surrounding air. In other words, the lower the air humidity, the easier it is to accumulate charges, and the higher the electrostatic voltage. Static electricity is very harmful to treadmills. In dangerous places where static electricity is discharged, conductive grease must be used for grounding protection.
Use conductive grease carefully
Conductive grease cannot be used for sliding switches. Do not use conductive grease for multi-wire connectors, otherwise the slide switch may malfunction. Since the distance between the terminals is relatively short, which is already below 0.5 mm, the lubricant may flow out of the insulating base when it contacts the surface, so insulating electrical contact grease must be used.
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