1. Feel the touch
Damping grease is often used for potentiometers with rotating shafts with manual control knobs. When the shaft rotates, the contact moves on the conductive surface to control the resistance of the loop.
Since these devices are usually small, the slightest rotational movement can greatly change the electrical results. The most robust means often fail to pass the desired setting. Therefore, the correct setting is the design goal. One solution is a small amount of damping grease on the shaft. This not only enables the correct handset, but also provides a quality "feel" like velvet. There is no expensive mechanical solution to control free movement.
2. Noise reduction
Noise is not motion control, it is sometimes the main concern. / Worm gear called with a household mixer. The pre-made grease chosen by the manufacturers of major home appliances is not gear teeth, but gear pushing, sharp metal screaming against metal. Various amounts and types of thickeners and base oils were tested and a custom lubricant was decided.
3. High shear force
In the field of office automation, especially in the field of printers and copiers, high-shear attenuation grease is expected to play an important role in reducing noise and costs. The gear cutting speeds of printers and copiers are not as strict as tilted steering columns, but the cutting time on these continuously moving parts also faces problems. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the quietness and low cost of office equipment, and high-shear damping grease becomes more important. By eliminating mechanical complexity, damping grease benefits from the design. Parts used for motion control and noise suppression can usually be replaced with low-cost damping grease.
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