Generally, long-life transmission gearboxes will use one-time lubricating grease for permanent use. Therefore, when choosing lubricating grease, the service life of the grease and the influence of the environment and frequency of use must be considered. The main factors affecting the service life of lubricating grease are the base oil additives and thickeners of the grease and the use temperature.
The wider the use temperature of the base oil, the longer the service life of the grease. The thickener mainly affects the softness and hardness of the lubricating grease. The softness and hardness have a direct impact on the time when the grease is exposed to air oxidation and loss. The less oxidation affects the ratio, the additives are mainly to enhance the long-term stability of the grease, so the grease must have good additives to ensure its sustainability for long-term durability.
Based on the above points:
If the customer needs more than ten years of life in the selection of lubricating grease, it is recommended to use a base oil made of fully synthetic oil, add thickeners such as urea compounds, polytetrafluoroethylene and other high-performance additives that can enhance the service life. Combine long-life grease. The soft and hard consistency value of the grease is controlled between No. 0 or No. 1. In addition, the use environment should not be too harsh. The high temperature is higher than 80°C, the low temperature is lower than -10°C, and the maximum speed will not exceed the maximum use limit of the grease. The working frequency per minute is not greater than the endurance limit of the grease component, and the above conditions can be reached. The grease can basically be used normally for a long time. Even if the use time limit is more than 10 years, the grease will not be severely dried up or deteriorated.
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