Damping grease is a special lubricating oil that can reduce wear and seal dust and moisture like traditional grease. It is mainly used to control the movement and noise of machinery and electromechanical equipment. It faces the cost of reducing costs without sacrificing quality. When challenged, damping grease becomes a useful tool for design engineers.
Think of the zoom lens of a 35mm camera. The "velvety feel" almost silent operation, the fact that the focus of the lens is not shifted, is the work of the damping grease of the focus line.
How does damping grease work?
Shear force of damping grease
After the grease is cut, thickeners such as rotating shafts, sliding rods, and rolling bearings will drain oil to lubricate moving parts. The difference between standard grease and damping grease is the shear resistance. In fact, the performance of damping grease is not the ability to reduce the friction between mating surfaces, but depends on the internal structure.
Viscosity of damping grease:
Damping grease oil is usually viscous, and high molecular weight synthetic varieties have higher internal shear resistance than standard greases. Most standard greases are smooth and uniform. On the other hand, damping grease has viscosity. Moving objects with damping grease requires force. This internal shear resistance enables the damping grease to "moisture", controlling movement and noise. The higher the shear resistance, the greater the attenuation.
Application of damping grease:
Consumers always judge the quality by the feel and sound of the device. The car manufacturer is committed to eliminating the hum, NVH, squeak, and ringing of the entire engineering team, looking for a sense of "perceptual quality". Damping grease helps meet these tactile and acoustic design goals.
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